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Monday, October 24, 2011

Witch’s Fingers and Monster Claws

Witch's Fingers and Monster Claws ready to head out!

The spooky, scary season of Halloween is just over a week away.  I will admit that this is not my favourite season – LOVE Fall, not so much on the Halloween.  I am not sure why but such is life.  Call me a curmudgeon but I generally do not stay home and hand out treats. Instead, I make Witch’s Fingers and Monster Claws for the wee ghost, goblins, princesses and such that are in my life. That leaves Geoff and me to go out for a lovely dinner on Halloween evening! 
Kids LOVE these cookies!  They are a little creepy and tasty to boot.  I originally found this recipe in a Canadian Living cookbook from 1995...and I have been making them ever since.  I hope you take the time to make these cookies for your ghost or goblin!
Just one more thing....we have new neighbours moving onto the street and I had the thought to bring these over as a "getting to know you gift" but I thought better of it as it may be misinturpreted as us giving them the finger and it is a little early for them to get a true appreciation of my personality.
Witch’s Fingers
1 cup
Butter, softened
1 cup
Icing sugar
1 tsp
Almond extract
1 tsp
2 ¾ cups
1 tsp
Baking powder
1 tsp
¾ cup
Blanched whole almonds
Tube red decorator gel

In a bowl, beat together butter, sugar, egg, almond extract and vanilla; beat in flour, baking powder, and salt. Divide into quarters. Wrap each and refrigerate until firm, about 30 minutes.
Working with ¼ of the dough at a time (keeping remainder in the fridge), roll a heaping tablespoon (more or less depending on the number and size of cookies you want) into a finger shape. Press almond into one end for the nail. Press in the centre to create a knuckle shape. Using a paring knife, make several slashes in several places to form knuckle.
Bake on a lightly greased or parchment lined cookie sheets in a 325F oven for 20-25 minute or until golden. Let cool for 3 minutes.
Life up almond; squeeze red decorator gel onto the nail bed and press almond back into shape, so the gel oozes out from underneath. Remove from baking sheets; let cool on racks.
Note: if you have limited cookie sheets, let the sheet cool in between batches before putting on the next batch.

Monster Claws
This is the first year that I have tried this, so it is a bit of a work in progress.  These are good but I might tweek the cookies next year.
2 cups
3 tbsp
Cocoa powder
½ tsp
Baking powder
¼ cup
½ cup
½ cup
Egg yolk
3 oz
Bittersweet chocolate, melted
½ tsp
¾ cup
1 cup
Semisweet chocolate chips

Chocolate decorator sprinkles

In a bowl, whisk together flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt. In a separate bowl, beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs, yolk, melted chocolate and vanilla. Mix flour mixture until in a ball. Divide into quarters. Wrap each and refrigerate until firm, about 30 minutes.
Working with ¼ of the dough at a time (keeping remainder in the fridge), roll a heaping tablespoon (more or less depending on the number and size of cookies you want) into a finger shape. Press pecan into one end for the nail.
Bake at 350F for 10-12 minutes. Remove cookies to a rack to cool.
Melt chocolate chips. Once melted, brush over cookies, leaving the tip of the pecan (nail) exposed. Immediately cover with chocolate sprinkles.  Place in fridge for 30 min to 1 hour until chocolate has hardened and sprinkles are set.


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